Mining, pastoralism and tourism are the most significant sectors providing employment and contributing to the economic wealth and well-being of rural and remote parts of the Northern Territory.
Opportunities in the conservation economy in the NT include: carbon farming through savanna burning and soil carbon; biosecurity surveillance; rehabilitation of mine sites and other degraded land; bush food and sustainable harvest of wildlife enterprises; removal and monitoring of marine debris; private biodiversity conservation and monitoring.
Within ten years, the conservation economy and NRM based economic opportunities are supporting rural livelihoods in all regions in the Northern Territory.
These activities aim to not only benefit the environment, but also have enduring social and cultural benefits to those providing the services. They also offer opportunities for Indigenous people to live and work on country in remote areas where there may be few other job options. These types of opportunities can also assist pastoralists and other primary producers to diversify income streams and bolster the economic viability of their enterprises while enhancing the environmental values of their land.
Good governance, policy, business and marketing skills are required to advance many of these economic opportunities. Conservation economy options should be considered when making decisions about the best use of land and should be incorporated into primary industries strategies and plans for 'Developing the North'

Fund supportive activities that enable the development of NRM based economic enterprises based on the harvest of native species
Develop capacity to enable local NRM groups to further engage with fee for service opportunities
Support development of carbon methods, collaboration and engagement in national, NT and regional initiatives to develop carbon market programs
Investigate, progress and communicate opportunities for emerging primary industries and economic diversification on Aboriginal and pastoral lands including horticulture, aquaculture and tourism
Investigate and support development opportunities from new environmental technologies and renewables
Determine the number of commercial Indigenous wild-harvesting enterprises
Calculate the number of fee for service contracts carried out by local ranger groups
Calculate the number of new enterprises on Indigenous and pastoral land in horticulture
Evaluate the financial benefit gained from carbon market opportunities
There is a different emphasis relevant to its people, environments and industries for the four major regions in the Northern Territory.
Click on your region to see your regional plan to develop NRM economies.