Threatened Species Projects
TNRM are working to protect threatened animal and plant species and preserve the
rich biodiversity of the Northern Territory
The Northern Territory is home to 115 threatened animal species, and 78 threatened plant species. Territory Natural Resource Management are the stewards of nine Regional Land Partnership projects, funded through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. The projects are aimed at improving the outlook of species that are listed as threatened and prioritised under the Australian Government’s Threatened Species Strategy 2021-2031.
Our threatened species team collaborates with Indigenous ranger groups, Indigenous land councils, universities around Australia, the Northern Territory Government, Kakadu National Park, other non-for-profit environmental groups, and scientific experts to implement monitoring regimes and management actions to improve or stabilise the habitat and population trends of our treasured threatened species.
Natural resources
Protecting the NT's threatened plant and animal species is a key priority of the 2021-2025 NT Natural Resource Management Plan.
It is critical that threatened species management is integrated with strong links between research, monitoring and on-ground action. Through this, progress can be documented and compared against key indicators in various threatened species action plans, including those listed in the NT NRM Plan.